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“25 Things That Really Matter In Life” is designed to get you started living a better life within the next fifteen minutes. Moreover, here’s the best thing: You can read this book in an hour and it will still be relevant five years from now. The book changes with you.
If you’re looking for a book written by a highly credentialed author with letters after his name to help you find out who you are and what happened in your life that made you the way you are, this is not the book for you. If you want a book to help you begin to change your life right now, then keep reading because this is the book for you.
June 2024 Book Signing in Central Florida
Talk about a full day. Many thanks to the folks at the African American Cultural Society in Flagler County Florida, specifically to Harriet and Robert Whiting on the Education Committee for inviting me to speak and present my book to youth scholarship recipients. I also conducted a book signing afterwards and that quickly turned into a SOLD-OUT event. To the folks who waited and were not able to purchase a book, I will personally contact you to make arrangements for you to get a signed copy next week. I had no idea that some folks would purchase as many as 5 to 8 books at a time. I deeply appreciate the support.
Here’s What People Are Saying About The Book:
“Gary Johnson has taken his personal pain and turned it into the power to share home truths. His list of the things we need for a fulfilling and successful life will be confirmation for some, a reminder for others, and a much-needed wake-up call for still another group of readers. This is a great gift for people at life’s crossroads, and for those looking for a tool to guide them through self-exploration.”
Dr. Julianne Malveaux
President, Bennett College for Women/Economist, Author & Commentator
“Gary Johnson has written a book that will encourage you, inspire you and empower you for greater personal and professional success! It will help you do more, be more and achieve more! Read it and then re-read it! You will be glad you did!”
Willie Jolley
Best Selling Author of “It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life” and “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback”
“Finally a person who has a plan for success that is accessible, tested and proven. Gary’s words implore you to make moves toward success and he gives you the clear tools to be a winner. Plus it is never ever a bad thing to learn about success from someone who is actually successful. Bravo Gary for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us!”
LaDawn Black, relationship expert, radio personality and the author of Stripped Bare
“Johnson packs a powerful punch with this practical guide designed to quick-start your journey to a more meaningful and healthier life in just three steps. From faith, family, and love to wealth building, giving, and more, the book encourages readers to make these twenty-five key aspects a priority in everyday life, providing valuable tips and worksheets along the way. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to map out what is most important to you, what you really want to do before you die, and apply what you’ve learned to live the best life possible.”
Tammy Richards-LeSure
Richards Public Relations
“A great read for anyone contemplating the things that really matter in life. Lean, mean, and full of wisdom.”
Jonathan Luckett, nationally acclaimed author of “The Mating Game,” “The Forever Game,” “Dissolve,” and “Jasminium”
“Phenomenal. I read every word and my conclusion is this is a great book to help people who are talented but lost their way.”
Dr. Jerry “Doc” Semper
Semper Associates Coaching Academy
Book Reviewed by Kam Williams
Are you stuck in the doldrums? Could you use some help to kick start your life? Then you might want to consider reading this handy little how-to guide by Gary Johnson, publisher of Black Men In and founder of the consulting firm which bears his name.
Mr. Johnson is also an inspirational speaker whose services are always in demand. And now, with the publication of 25 Things That Really Matter in Life, you can be motivated by the man without having to attend one of his lectures or workshops.
The book is designed to take less than an hour to read, while promising the potential to transform you instantly. The words contained on the pages are mostly meaningful meditations on what the author has found to be most important to him, as opposed to advice dictating specific behavior to improve your plight.
Still, Gary makes a convincing case that his 3-step path probably works, for he acknowledges having himself gone through tough times marked by debt, depression and withdrawal. When he was bottoming out, he made a list of the things that mattered most to him, a therapeutic process which helped him get his priorities in order while simultaneously freeing him to feel good again.
He realized that foremost among what he values are Faith, Family, Love, Children and Health, and he explains succinctly why each entry deserves to be a priority. After he expounds on all 25 of his personal areas of concern, the focus shifts to Step 2. Here, the text changes into a workbook, allotting space for you the reader to delineate 25 things you most want to achieve in life.
This, in turn, enables you to embark ultimately on Step 3, namely, mastery of your own life. A timely tome for anyone seriously seeking to take the steps to shed self-destructive habits and dysfunctional influences in order to become ’the best possible you.’
About the Book
“25 Things That Really Matter In Life” is a little book with a big message. The techniques and steps that are described in the following pages are ones that the author has used for over thirty years. If you commit to them, the author guarantees you will live a more meaningful and healthier life.
Changing certain aspects of your life is not easy. Looking at your life and the choices you’ve made in an open and honest way can be an emotional and gut-wrenching experience. As you rewind your mental tapes, you are likely to see a pattern of decision-making that is self-defeating or sabotaging. It doesn’t have to be that way.
This is your chance to enhance your quality of life and to feel good about yourself. You can improve your situation today. Don’t blow this opportunity. Victory is near.
Control the quality of your life by making “25 Things That Really Matter In Life” a part of your daily living. This book was written for people who have some sense of needing to make changes in their life, but do not know how to do it.
Photo #1: Gary and NY Times Bestselling author Omar Tyree. Photo #2: Gary and the incomparable Ella Curry owner of EDC Creations Media Group, LLC
Photo #1: Gary with author Vanessa Werts (Lies and Love). Photo #2: Gary signing a book for photographer and author L. J. Flood
About The Author
Gary is the owner of Gary Johnson Media, LLC, a management training and consultant firm. He’s also the founder of several web sites including Black Men In, one of the top web sites for African Americans on the Internet.
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25 Things That Really Matter In Life will help you identify your natural gifts and how to use them to feel better about yourself. Gary Johnson uses worksheets to outline the principles of Life Mastery to cleanse your mind of all the dysfunctional thoughts that have accumulated over the years.
Practicing Life Mastery will allow you to develop yourself to be the best “you” that you can be for yourself, family and friends. Control the quality of your life by making 25 Things That Really Matter In Life a part of your daily living. This book was written for people who have some sense of needing to make changes in their life but do not know how to do it.
Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write 25 Things That Really Matter in Life?
Gary Johnson: I wrote this book at one of the lowest points in my life. My businesses were heavily in debt . Although I continued to function every day, there were times when I did not feel good about myself. Through it all, I continued to try to affect the lives of others through my training seminars and speeches.
I also went out of my way to make sure I was an active dad for my sons. On a Friday night, in September 2006, I decided to write down the things that really mattered to me. I stopped the list at twenty-five and shelved the project for another year.
Putting pen to paper was a measure of accountability. Thirteen months later I was ready to be accountable and make a change in my life. Writing my thoughts on paper was therapeutic and gave me a sense of relief. This process was a “freeing” experience that helped me to feel good again.
JP: What sets 25 Things That Really Matter in Life apart from other motivational books?
GJ: This book is universal in that it is easy to read and understand and appeals to men and women of all races and culture. The book has worksheets that help examine your life in a way that perhaps you haven’t done before.
Looking at your life and the choices you’ve made in an open and honest way can be an emotional and gut-wrenching experience. As you rewind your mental tapes, you are likely to see a pattern of decision-making that is self-defeating or sabotaging. This book wastes no time helping you to help yourself.
JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to 25 Things That Really Matter in Life getting out to the public?
GJ: I’m fortunate that I own digital media in the form of a very popular web site/online magazine called Black Men In ( This site gets millions of hits a month from both men and women and provides a forum that most authors don’t have as a starting point.
I’m also a successful management consultant and motivational speaker who has traveled around the world and developed a network. I have to consistently work hard. When you have an established network, you can also work smart. For authors who don’t have a web site, my advice is to get one. The key to success is to market and let people know you are out there and that your book is worth buying.
JP: Who would best benefit from 25 Things That Really Matter in Life?
GJ: I firmly believe that anyone who purchases this book will benefit from reading it. If you’re asking me about a demographic or target market, I would have to say women would benefit the most from reading this book because my experience is that they tend to read more books than men.
JP: What’s next for Gary Johnson?
GJ: I plan to write a book on relationships using the same “keep it simple and keep it real” formula as 25 Things That Really Matter in Life. I’m not ready to share the specifics just yet. Let’s just say that you can never have enough books on relationships. I also want to continue my efforts to help authors and independent artist have their voices heard through Black Men In
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Joey Pinkney is a passionate book reviewer whose goal is to give authors extra exposure. He is the founder of a web site about books and authors. Joey’s “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…” author interview series features self-published authors and best-selling authors. The popular interview series gives readers an often rare glimpse into the author’s mind as he/she shares insights about their book.
25 Things That Really Matter In Life
#1. Faith: Have faith in God or believe in something other than yourself. Faith is the greatest power at your disposal. Faith never fails. You need to believe in yourself in order to convince others to believe in you. Pray and ask God to give you the strength and humility to be more focused and forgiving. Leave the negative aspects of living to a higher power so you can live your best life. The only time you can fail is when you give up on faith, so incorporate faith as part of your spirit. Then, when negative circumstances confront you, you automatically go into “Faith Mode,” a way of life that allows you to behave without fear of the opposing forces that may surround you. There are levels of faith. Having strong faith is a process. If your faith is not at the highest level, you may suffer a setback. This is no reason to quit or give up. You will not be strong overnight. (Faith moved me to quit my job. With a wife and two small children, I chose to change my career and pursue a path I had been doing for less than three years. I developed a solid and flexible plan that guided me to where I am today. There are no limitations on how much faith you can have. Fear causes paralysis. Faith is an energizer.)
#2. Family: Spending quality time with your family (spouse, children, and parents) can extend your life. Loved ones at home, who love you, are among the things in life that really matter. (When I was growing up, family was important in my life. Aunts, uncles and cousins lived in my neighborhood. Most of us worshiped at the same church and vacationed together. Family was a way of life that was never challenged. That foundation remains solid today: My family members never distanced themselves from me.)
#3. Love: Despite the high divorce rate (approximately fifty percent), studies show people who are in committed, monogamous relationships believe they have healthier and happier lives. A strong emotional connection with the one you love is paramount for a happy existence. Love should feel euphoric. When you find that special someone who will not take advantage of your vulnerabilities, who you trust implicitly, who can communicate with you in a manner that is “hearable” and who is consistent in his or her behavior, then you will live a happier and more meaningful life. When you totally surrender to the other person, you will experience a bond sealed by a higher power. One of the best things about having a true love is that everything you do together is special. (Love is expressed in many ways: patience, kindness, caring, forgiveness, and so forth. Self-love is probably the most important aspect of love. I’ve learned that you must have boundaries in love. You can’t keep saying “Yes” without being able to say “No.” Falling in love is easy. Maintaining love is something entirely different. In my early relationships, I was comfortable with conflict (arguing.) Later in life, I overcompensated by avoiding conflict. I’m a “work in progress” when it comes to having my needs met. For me, loving someone and making someone feel loved are different. Love requires balance. Are you able to identify the important components of love and balance them with the other aspects of your life? Some of us confuse lust with love. Lust desires to take . . . love desires to give.)
#4. Children: A happy family is the key to a happy life, especially with your children. Quality relationships with your children will help you stay balanced and will help them lead balanced lives. The only way to cultivate and sustain solid relationships with your children is to spend quality time with them. Turn off the television, leave work early, and invest your time where you’ll get the most return, which is with the ones you love. From the time my children were infants, I took them everywhere I went. I even set up a workstation at my office and home office for them. We worked, laughed, talked and played every day. One of my fondest memories is watching my children laugh. When children are laughing, all is right with the world. (I was born to be a dad. Having a good relationship with my children is one of the most important factors for my happiness and stability. The best gift that a man can give to his children, in addition to spending time with them, is to model the appropriate behavior consistently.)
#5. Good Health: Good health is paramount to good living. Good health is something many people tend to appreciate only when it’s deteriorating or gone. You can have millions of dollars in the bank, a beautiful house and a nice car, and it will mean very little if you’re sick. Take care of your mind, body and soul. (I’m in relatively good health. I have no physical limitations. Like many people, living a healthy life style was not a priority. Although I never smoked, used drugs, or drank alcohol, I had poor eating habits and didn’t exercise consistently throughout the first half of my life. I wish I had acted differently. Today, I realize that those poor eating habits have not been kind to me. Living a healthier lifestyle can add years to your life).
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