March 2023
For those of you struggling with your weight. Click here! This 27 second video may change your life. Never QUIT!
How Am I Losing The Weight?
7-weeks ago I started Intermittent Fasting. That along with healthy eating, and exercise has helped me lose weight. If you scroll down you will see what I looked like last September. I am now 28 lbs lighter. This is what I look like today. My goal is to lose 60 more lbs.
Y’all know my struggle. I post these pics those who follow me and say that I give them hope. Don’t do this for me. Do it for yourself and your family. “You don’t lose if you stumble and fall; you lose if you stay down and don’t try to get up and try again.” I am showing you that it’s possible. Put those cookies and chips down and get your ass up and moving!
I eat fresh vegetables and I’m exercising portion control with my meals. Healthy food can taste good. I also use the Master Tonic to marinate and enhance some of my meals and to create healthy drink mixes.
Last, but not least, I exercise, mostly in the form of cycling.
One of my favorite breakfast options is my power omelette, featuring eggs, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cheese, cilantro, jumbo lump fish crab meat. I mix the ingredients in a pie plate and bake for 15-minutes at 375 degrees. I eat a “pizza slice” for breakfast.
Another favorite is shrimp sauteed with white wine vinegar cooking oil with Turmeric and lemon with a “splash” of Master Tonic, served with Jasmine rice seasoned with MasterChef Gary’s Premium Organic Original Blend seasoning, and Rosemary and Chili pretzel salt. You can also make a salad minus the rice and put this mix on a bed of spinach for a healthy salad. I also put the shrimp and salad on top of my omelette.
This is shrimp sauteed with white wine vinegar cooking oil with Turmeric and lemon with a “splash” of Master Tonic. I also use individual packs of smoked salmon on top of a bed or salad greens or spinach.
Lower right: Brussels sprouts, cabbage and Angel Hair pasta, in a Greek salad dressing.
Fresh beets, the Master Tonic, Bloody Mary Mix, Tomato Juice and Beet Powder mixed in a blender. I drink 3- 6 oz. of this magic elixir for breakfast every morning to start my day.

Why Drink The All In One Master Tonic

Here are some healthy meal that I created and cooked using my air fryer that help me with my weight loss.
I am down 46 lbs. since 2017 using a modified version of Keto. The key to this weight loss are the points listed below. There’s no secret.
I’m back on track (again). The keys to my weight loss are: 1. Consistent exercise (it was cold in DC today), 2. Healthy meal options and 3. Smaller portions (this is where I struggle). I take it one day at a time, and today was a good day. I am not exceeding 2,000 calories per day and that is working for me. #TheStruggleIsReal
In an exclusive interview with Gary Johnson, Mohamed Alli, the Founder of the “All-In-One Master Tonic” talks about the health benefits of this magic elixir and answers the most asked question: “What is the benefit of swishing the tonic in your mouth?”
Warning: Watching This 4-minute Video May Dramatically Change Your Life!
Click Here To Visit The All-In-One Master Tonic Page
Black Men In Founder & Publisher Gary Johnson joined the Herbal Infusion Health and Wellness Store & Spa’s “Plank Challenge.” The store issued a challenge to the community to get 500 people to join them and “plank” for a minimum of 2 minutes.
Want to get in on the fun? Make a video of you and your group planking and send us a link. Your video may be posted. You can also visit the Herbal Infusion Facebook page.
Click Here to Buy the All-in-One Master Tonic Online
Here is a “Before and After” photo. To date, I’ve lost 24 lbs. on the Keto Diet in 7 weeks.
On December 1, 2018, I officially started a Ketogenic diet, more popularly known as the Keto Diet. The Keto Diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. Many studies show that this type of diet can help you lose weight and improve your health. Some studies reflect that Keto diets may have benefits against diabetes, cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.
I went to Christmas dinner with family and friends and was EXPOSED! I tried to “play it off” and act like I wasn’t aware of any changes in my life. I was consistently confronted with questions. Finally, I couldn’t take the badgering and was forced to “come clean” and address THE issue. What issue you ask? I was noticeably THINNER. I quietly started the “Keto Diet” at the beginning of the month. I was true to the regimen and the pounds started falling off. I was late to jump on the “Keto Bandwagon,” but now that I’m on it, I’m enjoying the ride. It was hard to believe the results, but the “Before” and “After” pics don’t lie. I am putting myself out there in the name of “health and wellness.” And before you ask, “Yes, that is my stomach on the picture on the left. I do not have a sweater tucked under my hoodie.” Trust me when I tell you that the “Struggle Is Real.”
I was introduced to the Keto Diet by Sharon Bowden, who hosted a party at her home to explain the benefits of a Keto Diet.
I’m a Keto rookie. I’ve been doing Keto for 26 days. I’ve lost 15 lbs. I think that is GREAT. This is easy for me because I am not a bread eater, I typically pass on desserts and sweets and I don’t consume drinks with lots of sugar.
So how does Keto work? Based on my research, when you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat, the reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.
When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. Ketogenic diets can also cause massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels.
There are several versions of the Keto Diet. I’m keeping things simple. I consume less than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. For me it’s doable. I just went “cold turkey” on the carbs and foods and drinks with sugar. I’m probably unique in this area, because not everyone can just get off of carbs and sugar that rapidly without having some type of “withdrawal.”
I did 20 miles on the bike trail today. For whatever reason this was a grueling ride. By the time I realized that I was “spent” and decided to call it quits, I had 6 more miles to ride back to my van 😮. No point in whining and crying 😢 because you have get back to your ride. After you get your cussin’ out of the way, you just “suck it up” and keep peddling until you get back to the parking lot. Thank goodness the “app” tracking my ride, was able to get me back to the parking lot. When you’re tired every STOP on the trail looks like the other.
August 26, 2018: Today I decided to ride on the Indian Head Rail Trail. It was my first time and I rode 26.3 miles. It was actually pretty easy. Maybe I’ll feel the pain tomorrow, but I feel great right now.
The 13-mile, paved Indian Head Rail Trail traverses roughly halfway across Charles County, connecting the small towns of Indian Head and White Plains. Along the trail I experienced natural wetlands and occasional farmland as I passed through the Mattawoman Creek stream valley and some of southern Maryland’s most scenic and undeveloped natural areas.
I feel like I’m seeing some results from a slight change in my eating habits and consistency in my exercise regimen.
August 19, 2018 – I got the cardio portion of my fitness regimen “down.” According to my “consultant” at Herbal Infusion (my health and wellness shop), it’s time for me to “step-up” my game and do strength training. Start time is TODAY!
Do I look like a grandfather of three? I believe you can slow down the aging process with sensible and healthy eating, exercise and the proper vitamins and supplements.
I decided to shift to more of a “plant based” diet with more fruits and vegetables and less meat and poultry. I try not to eat processed or fast food and I continue to drink water. I do the grocery shopping and the cooking, so I have complete control of what I eat on most days while at home. I love beets and I’ve grown fond of creating healthy salads. I add salmon, tuna, shrimp, turkey and chicken to add a source of protein to my meals.
I cut down on food and drinks with sugar and carbs and I’ve had to teach myself how to accurately read nutrition labels, which can be very misleading if you don’t know. I make fresh fruit smoothies with vegetable based protein powder, beet root powder and super red antioxidant powder mixes.
Changing a lifetime of poor eating habits is a full time job that requires a serious commitment. I lost count of the number of times that I’ve fallen “off the wagon.” When I fall, I look for what I can learn and start over. I don’t quit!
It is cold and windy along the Potomac River in DC this afternoon. Gotta lean into the headwind. The Cherry Blossoms have to be confused with the mixed signals from Mother Nature. It’s early April and I hear there’s a possibility of snow this weekend. I’m down another 2 lbs. Slow and steady exercise and sensible eating will get me to my goal.
To quote singer Montell Jordan, “This is how we do it (weight loss).” Moderate and consistent exercise and sensible eating. Tonight’s meal was half of one those 1.5 inch thick tuna steaks, a spring mix salad and water. Oh, I can’t forget the “All-in-One Master Tonic.
I take the Master Tonic 3 times a day. You can too!
My First Colon Hydrotherapy Experience (Posted February 24, 2018)
Today I went to Herbal Infusion Health & Wellness to get my first colon hydrotherapy experience. This is part of my weight loss journey and my efforts to reverse the aging process. The owner has been suggesting that I get this therapy for 5 months. Today, I finally gave in. 15 minutes into my session I asked myself: “Dude? What took you so long to do this?”
All sessions are facilitated by a I-ACT Certified Colon Hydro therapist. The equipment is FDA approved and every effort is made to ensure that you are comfortable and your privacy and dignity are maintained at all times. The aromatherapy scents in the room helped me relax. This part of the spa uses the Libbe system. This system has a clear viewing tube that allows you to view what is being released from your colon.
My Weight Loss Journey (Posted February 4, 2018)
Photos: This is what I looked like in 2005. I weighed 235 lbs.
Hey folks, I promised full transparency. Yep, I am putting myself out here. I get emails and tweets from a lot of you who say I inspire you. Thank you. “I’m just a dude from DC with a social media platform.” For those of you who struggle with weight loss and “follow me,” I want you to know that I appreciate you. “The struggle is real.”
Nothing is more discouraging than not being able to lose weight no matter how hard you try. When I resigned from my government job in 1995, I weighed 235 lbs. I am 6 feet 4 inches tall. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) weight guidelines at that time I was “Overweight.” A few months earlier, my doctor warned me that my cholesterol ratios were too high. My health was in jeopardy. Despite the doctor’s warning, I made no changes to my lifestyle. Within months I weighed 265 lbs. and my body fat percentage was 22%.
I was trying to balance family life and a heavy travel schedule and did not take time to exercise. One evening while dining at a restaurant with my family, in-laws and friends, I started to sweat profusely. I tried to play it off as “nothing” but soon found that I wasn’t fooling anyone when my mother-in-law said: “My goodness I think he’s having a stroke.” I calmly told everyone that I was OK and attempted to leave the table to collect myself. I never made it, never fooled anyone and ended up in the emergency room of my local hospital.
Test results revealed high cholesterol and a host of other correctable conditions. After giving my family a scare, I decided to get serious about my health. I bought a gym quality treadmill and began using it. I stopped eating fast food and started using some Slim Fast products. Slowly and surely I started losing weight. I shared my story with Slim Fast and the company selected me to be a paid endorser of their products. I lost 35 lbs. in 5 months and lost 4 inches off of my waist.
Two years later, I gained the weight back and added 10 additional pounds. I now weighed 275 lbs. I decided to lose the weight again. This time I decided to use Nutrisystem. Nutrisystem ships meals directly to your home. The Nutrisystem plan is based on portion control and moderate exercise. Once I started eating one entrée per meal, I started to lose weight. Six months later, I loss 30 lbs. and kept the weight off for about a year.
Over the past 20 years, I have lost and gained over 30-60 lbs. four times. This is not a healthy way to lose weight.
In 2015, I hit my all-time high in weight — 346 lbs. I decided to lose weight the old fashion way by making healthier meal choices, eating smaller portions and exercising consistently. I cut out sugar by not drinking orange juice and replaced that with low-sodium organic vegetable juice. I also cut out sugary drinks like sweet tea and energy drinks. I NEVER drank sodas.
Here I am at Ft. Washington Park in October 2017.
I began riding my bicycle to specifically lose weight and lower my cholesterol and blood pressure. I took a cycling class years ago in college and enjoyed it. I got my bike out of the garage and started riding after work and on weekends. I began to participate in a few organized rides. I decided to start slowly and ride in my neighborhood park during the week and go to Haines Point in downtown DC on weekends. I started losing about 2 lbs. per week. Believe me, losing 2 lbs. was a great motivator.
Losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges I’ve faced. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount. I owe it myself and I owe it to my family to be healthy. Some of you have been brutally honest with me along this journey. In addition to my family, Mildred Muhammad, Kirk Caldwell and Ronnie Williams stand out. I hear you and I appreciate you.. I believe my current weight loss method will be my most successful because it’s the most practical solution to date.
People gain weight for a variety of reasons. If you’re having trouble losing weight, don’t give up. Find a method that works for you and stick to it. Don’t overdo it. Be patient and remember that “slow and steady wins the race.” Losing weight is a lifestyle choice for me. I’m a work in progress, but I am on the right path. If I can do it, believe me, you can too.
Stick with it and if you have to, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You know where to find me.
The struggle is real! I have a LONG way to go.
February 19, 2018: I’m still on the weight loss wagon. Consistent exercise and portion control have proven to be a winning formula for me. These self-inspired and unorthodox meals work for me. Breakfast consisted of 2 hard boiled eggs and vegetable sausage. Lunch was organic beets, steamed broccoli and chunks of BellaVitano Merlot cheese. Dinner will be organic chicken, kale and white bean soup. #TooMuchSwag
Here’s to your good health. Thank you for your support.