Disclaimer: All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. The statements and opinions of The Thought Brothers are their personal opinions, and not the opinions of their employers, associates and affiliates. Any action you take is strictly at your own risk.
Click On The Flyer Below To Watch “The Thought Brothers” Podcast
The Thought Brothers Podcast features three diverse men who rotate as Host and talk about relevant and current topics of interest to a diverse audience of men and women. The Thought Brothers consists of William “Bill” Spivey, a retired FBI Special Agent, Christopher “C.J.” Johnson, a Social Media Commentator and Carlos Prillman, a Financial Analyst.
Their goal is to:
- Objectively discuss issues of interest to our community
- Inspire a “Call To Action” and model the appropriate behavior for others
- Educate, motivate, provide a sense of caring towards those who are less fortunate
- Have fun!
Click Here To Visit “The Thought Brothers” Website To Watch Their Current Episode
Check Out Our Interviews on Spotify
- Row 1: Jeanine McAdams, Mildred Muhammad, Robert “Kool” Bell, Melba Moore
- Row 2: Maysa, Donnese Monique, Vi Jordan, Ina Friedman
- Row 3: James Lawler, James & Kiah Clingman, Dr. Shakiera Hockaday-Bey, Kwame S. Salter
- Row 4: Dr. Mel Pender, Ivan Thomas, NOMAD, Dr. Joshua K. Wright