The purpose of this post is to introduce you to a new online education magazine, The Edvocate. Its mission is to advocate for education equity, reform, and innovation. The Edvocate website ( features education news and opinion that is updated daily, and an opt-in email newsletter. Also, within one year the site plans to offer online professional development courses to K-12 teachers, principals, and superintendents.
If you ever have a story that you want to pitch to us, or a press release that you think we would be interested in, please let us know. We may even feature your news on my Education Week column.
In addition, if you have an op ed or article that you would like us to consider publishing just email it to and cc Visit The Edvocate website to find our writing guidelines.
Lastly, please consider connecting with The Edvocate via social media:
The Edvocate’s Twitter: @advocatefored
Dr. Lynch’s Twitter: @lynch39083
The Edvocate’s Facebook: theedvocate1978