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With the continuing rise in Home schooling–especially among people of color–there is always a search for historical and well-researched books that plainly spell out those virtues of family, church and Christian religion guaranteed to uplift our current and next generations.  Enter Jeff Pollard and Scott T. Brown with their massive work: “A Theology of the Family: Five Centuries of Biblical Wisdom for Family Life”  (2014, 714 Pages, The National Center for Family-Integrated Churches).

This is, actually, more than a good theological work.  Yes, it is KJV in its Scripture citations and scope, but it packs a lot of the best work put forth by well known and not-so-well-known preachers and bible teachers over the last FIVE centuries on the institution of the family, straight out of the Word of God.

“Family prayer and the pulpit are the bulwarks of Protestantism!  Depend upon it, when family piety goes down, the life of godliness will become very low.”

–Arthur W. Pink, Pastor & Author
“A Theology of the Family”

Pastors and their families could also benefit from this work, as it contains sound instruction on the issues of Godly Manhood, Marriage, Family Worship and Virtuous Womanhood.  The preaching lineup is a deep as this book is large…from the Puritan era, right up to some of the ‘preaching heroes’ of our modern age.  One of the beauties of this book is that it provides a clear road map as to how churches could–from the pulpit to the pew–start bringing forth solid truths to turn many a family around.  After all, if the home is right…this will help the church, the school, and society as a whole.

Pollard and Brown have a hit on their hands.  This book may be found through your favorite on line book seller, or may be obtained through The National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (

Mike Ramey is a Minister, Reviewer and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  On Line Reviews brings current and lesser-known titles to public light in the quest to re-kindle a love for reading and thinking in a sea of modern technology.  Feel free to reach him via email at

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