On September 6, 2023, Lawrence Lucas, President Emeritus of the US Department of Agriculture Coalition for Minority Employees conducted an exclusive interview with Presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West. Dr. West is the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary. Dr. West graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard in three years and obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton. He has written 20 books and is best known for his classics, Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and for his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. His most recent book is Black Prophetic Fire.
This is 4-minute pictorial slideshow with music highlighting Black farmers in America and their advocates in their struggle with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for equal rights in the form of loans, lending practices, harassment and other forms of discrimination.