Domestic abuse & violence is a worldwide epidemic and does not begin with the victim. It begins with the abuser. However, questions related to domestic violence are always asked of the victims and survivors. Society constantly shines the light on the victims to prove and accept responsibility for the abuse they suffer. Why is society afraid to question the abuser while shaming and blaming victims and survivors? Do you really understand or care that victims and survivors are living in fear? Well…its time to switch that spotlight from the victims and survivors. It’s time to put that spotlight where it belongs… on the ABUSERS regardless of whether the abuser is a man, woman, boy or girl. They are hiding and its time to expose them.They are the modern day ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hide‘.
A few good questions for abusers:
- Why did you decide to emotionally or physically abuse your partner?
- Why did you feel you had the right to do that to someone you claim to love?
- At what point do you hold yourself accountable?
This is your Call to Action! Join me in my campaign, #ChangeTheNarrative. WE have to be heard, at the grassroots level, so the courts, law enforcement, as well as family and friends of the abusers know that domestic violence begins and ends with the abusers. So I’m challenging you to stop asking the victims “why do you stay” and start asking the abusers, “why do you abuse?” #ChangeTheNarrative!
Order a T-shirt for yourself and others. Wear it proudly to spark a conversation.
If you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, give these resources:
Domestic Shelters ~
Domestic Violence National Hotline ~ 800-799 SAFE (7233)
Link for T-shirts: