This video was made by NBC News producer Dan Slepian as a part of the “Voices From Within” Project. He produced this independently of NBC News on his own time. Slepian put convicted murderers at Sing Sing, the infamous prison just north of New York City, in a room alone with a camera and asked them to speak to their 12-year-old selves.
The question he wanted them to answer: What would you say now that could have made your younger self put down the gun that ended a life and landed you in prison? What you see below is the full version of that video, which is now being used by the New York Police Department.
Thank you to the men that put this video clip together, thank you for sharing and that you for standing up. It was very powerful and these video need to be released all over, this men and every other man and women who has changed there heart and truly want to give back to help, they are the ones that need to be heard and heard loud and clear. We all make mistakes and a lot go off course as kids, it’s time for redemption , let there voices be heard. We all grow up at some point in life and deserve a second chance. God bless you guys and thanh you for you honesty , thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless you all. . Ps we need for legislators judges ,law makers as well as our youth to finally hear the voices behind these walls. Guys who were just kids the,selves 25-30-40 yrs later. When is enough enough????? Thank you Marcie Marra
Interesting piece.