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Suicide: That Stalking Spirit! by Mike Ramey

Sorrowful African-American teenager hiding in dark lane, depression problem


          In the early 2000s, I served as a Probation Officer for my county Juvenile Court. One of the issues that I regularly ran into was teen suicide.  Those teens involved in gang activity were especially at risk.  Probation Officers received updated training in this area—especially those of us who carried high risk caseloads.  Training was expanded to detention staff, social workers, and others who were involved in the field of juvenile justice.  Signs that we were taught to look for in troubled juveniles during intake, office, and court interviews included: the ‘hearing’ of voices; unending depression, an overall ‘feeling’ of worthlessness, expressions of no one would ‘miss them’ if they were gone and a desire to ‘end it all’.  Other ‘cues’ for young people revolved around occult involvement including types of music that the teen listened to that included suicidal themes; troubles at school, or major shocks to their system because of a divorce in their family, a suicide among their friends or loved ones, problems at school, drug/alcohol abuse, or mental health issues–including types of prescribed medication used in such mental health treatment.

     Never did I think that these cues—and others—would be involved in the suicides claiming many in the Millennial (Millies) and Generation Z (Zippies) ranks.  It seems that teen suicides have increased, expanded, blossomed, and grown into adult suicides with the numbers increasing and expanding.


     If you know your KJV Bible, you know that Satan and his demons are walking to and fro upon the earth, seeking whom they may devour.  Based upon the rash of murder-suicides–or just plain suicides–I have seen on the news, I’d say that he was on his job.  Whether or not you believe that the devil is real does not change the fact that he is on the hunt for souls.  The first two chapters of the Book of Job, coupled with the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4, give one all the evidence they need to be aware of the wiles of the devil.  He is a stalker and has all the evil spirits under his control doing his bidding in watching for potential targets–EVEN Christians!  No restraining order, search warrant, or court document will stop his murderous bent. 

     Suicide IS a spirit…period!  It must be stopped by spiritual means.

     As an example, towards the end of 2018, the public saw a variety of news reports on the suicide issue, from a variety of published and Internet sources.  I’ll just provide a few brief, general highlights:

     *Federal authorities identified the top two killers of young adults for the year ending 2018 as the following.  Number one is drug overdoses.  Number two was suicide.

     *A well-established law enforcement magazine noted that there were more police officers killed by their own hand in 2018 than killed by any other means.

     *More and more instances of pre-teens committing suicide are making their way into the mainstream press.  Over the last two years, we have read about children as young as eight and nine years old killing themselves–allegedly tied to school bullying OR gang recruitment activity.  ‘Suicide by gang’ is becoming a dangerous trend.

     *Speaking of the mainstream press, a published report late in 2018 noted that the media profession, in terms of careers, had the THIRD highest rate of suicide among professions.

     *In my neck of the woods a few years ago, A high school that I had taught in reported a female student had hung herself IN the school, during the school day.  A few years before this, in a school district right down the road, several students had committed suicide in and around the school, during that school year. (We have been told that MORE counselors and psychiatrists in the schools would reverse this trend. WRONG!)

     *Lest I forget this nugget from a few years back, the month of August is the WORST month for suicides—among Psychiatrists (and possibly other mental health professionals)!

     What brought this issue ‘back around’ for me was a friend of mine over the 2018 Christmas season was wrestling with the loss of an older son.  Not having his son during the holidays was rough on him.  With both of us being Christians, I went straight to the Word of God and reminded him through his pain that God had not forgotten him.  In updating this column in 2020—and again in 2023–we ALL must keep in mind that nothing that has happened has caught Jesus Christ off guard.  We might not understand it all now, but there comes a day that we WILL understand, and we must NOT get discouraged over what we may see unfold in front of us (Psalms 37 and 73 KJV).


     I am not a ‘professional’ counselor, but I am a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who–not by my knowledge or wisdom–have extensive training in spiritual warfare from the Word of God, just by living life.  As the ‘old folks’ used to tell us in our youth: “If you DON’T understand it now–just keep ON living!”  Being among the older set myself, I get what they were trying to tell me.  Even as I update this column to include the high suicide rate in our post-pandemic world—especially among young adults involved in social media and the rap/hip hop genre—it all boils down to how mentally tough individuals are when Satan spins his web of lies, deception, depression, and hopelessness.

     One of the things that people–even Christians–fail to understand is how slick Satan and his demons are.  Let us not forget two things:  1) Satan’s job is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10 KJV); 2) his demons (spirits under his control) also know that there is one true God and tremble at the mention of him (James 2:19 KJV).

     Another thing that many–even Christians–tend to forget is that Satan spoke directly to Jesus during their meeting in the wilderness (Matthew 4 and Luke 4 KJV) and Jesus responded with the following: “It is written”.  In other words, Jesus met Satan WITH the Word of God.  Further, Satan and those who support him can transform themselves into an angel of light, meaning they can impersonate or counterfeit items from the scriptures.

     What does this have to do with the suicide issue?  Suicide IS a spirit and must be broken by spiritual means meaning by the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Since the devil is the father of lies, it is no small task for him and his demons to make their voices ‘sound’ like the voice of an intended target INSIDE of their mind.

     I realize that this is tough medicine to swallow.  However, I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul told the Galatian church when he had to give them tough doctrine: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16). 


      Again, there are those who ‘thumb their noses’ at the mention of Jesus Christ and the Bible.  However, the same individuals—once trouble strikes—are quick to call upon the Preacher, the Christian church member or Christian relative to ‘bail’ them out.

     As sure as water is wet, there IS a satanic war going on. 

     It is estimated that some 90 percent of satanic attacks are directed at the human mind.  Thus, one MUST be able to discern Satan’s voice–from their own.  A great definition that I have heard quoted by Charles Spurgeon is that: “discernment is the ability to distinguish what is right, from what is almost right”.  When one’s mental defenses are down or breached because of drugs, alcohol, depression, failure or other such maladies, a doorway is opened into the mind, will seep into the soul, and will eventually manifest in one’s flesh, or, in one’s physical body.  It is VITAL that this spiritual weed be pulled by the soul-utions found in the Bible…and it begins WITH Jesus Christ!

     Don’t shout me down when I’m coming straight across the plate!

     Let me provide an example of one of these breaches.  It has been said that marijuana is a ‘gateway’ or ‘doorway’ drug.  Increasing use of it will lead the user to experiment with other, more potent drugs to maintain their ‘high’ for longer, and longer periods of time.  What have we been seeing around our country at the state level?  Right.  Increasing approval of the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes by the states.  At last count, there were more than 30 states and the District of Columbia where this issue has already been approved, in one form or the other.  What are we seeing exhibited by athletes and entertainment wizards of cool?  Marijuana use has not only increased–but it is being touted as not impacting these public figures in the performance of their skills and art. 

     Unfortunately, what one does NOT hear is all the misery and carnage left by such legalization–including the rising numbers of suicides.  These numbers are often reported in the media by ones or twos, while the ‘official’ number crunchers are recording them in the tens and twenties.  Let us not forget the fact that it HAS been documented that the more weed one uses, the more psychotic episodes arise—which leaves one open to suicidal manipulation from—you guessed it—Satan and his demons.


  This is going to step on more than a few toes.  Remember Galatians 4:16 (KJV).

     Those who willingly and consistently engage in sins of the various types that are clearly against the teachings of the Scriptures; live in outright rebellion against authority, purposefully take to the streets to commit crimes and/or engage in rioting; achieve riches from others by either gambling or outright political/financial corruption, or live a lifestyle in which they insist on others to worship them instead of God are not only being stalked by the spirit of suicide…they are actually ‘egging’ that spirit on—daring it to strike.

     It may strike, my friend, a lot quicker than one may think.

     Let me move a little bit further down the road.  Those who deliberately engage in attacks on, work to corrupt, or make a mockery of traditional marriage and the family are setting THEIR families up for that spirit of suicide.  Marriage and the family were the first two institutions created by God.  One who seeks to destroy or corrupt these institutions will likely have God himself to ‘move’ out of the way and allow the satanic host to take up residence in that offending life.

     Do NOT be fooled.  There comes a time in many a life that the mercy and love of God can be pushed away.  Remember what happened when prayer and the Ten Commandments were taken out of the public schools by court decree back in the sixties.  That decision ushered in major problems.  When God leaves, the only thing that remains is the Devil and his satanic host—which includes suicide.


     Satan does not have to shout to enter the human mind.  For example, in the garden of Eden, Satan did not shout at Eve.  He spoke in low tones and smooth speech.

     Over the last five to eight years, there has been a marked increase in occult-related content on the big and small screens—even in many of the cartoons aimed at kids and teens.  With the widespread use of the Internet, one can tap into their occult fantasies through several web venues and reading sources.  In the music world, more and more artists have been paying tribute to the Illuminati, the Boule, or other such unholy deities through their practices of ‘spirit cooking’ or other demonic-laced items.  We have also seen a few colleges allowing for the creation of ‘Satanism clubs’ on campus.  This club system is now making its way into high schools and even elementary schools.  Plus, a few state legislatures have allowed the building of statues ON state property which worship Satan.

     Those practitioners of witchcraft have become bolder in their proclamations and pursuits.  Soon after Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, published reports began to surface concerning witches of various ranks and powers attempting to place hexes and curses upon President Trump and his administration.  THIS is the reason why we are to pray for our leaders (Romans 13).  I’d like to add that prayer goes up for leaders, regardless of whether we like them or not.  God put them in office for HIS glory, not ours.

     But wait, there’s more!

     Halloween has recently been expanded to cover the entire month of October, with decorations going up in stores earlier and earlier each year.  God says not to mess with the occult under ANY circumstances, as it will impact your spirit and physical body and that of your family members.  Suicide IS one of the very real side effects rising from occult involvement (Heavy Burdens–Numbers 11:10-15; Sickness/Illness–Isaiah 38:9-20 KJV).  Those who practice ANY form of witchcraft, in the end, if they do NOT repent, will become the victim of the satanic host.


     In the area of Modern Street Gangs occult activities are also on the rise.  In Central and South America, transnational gangs such as MS-13 and 18th Street–among others–are known to have their own witch doctors and/or witches to cast spells on behalf of the gang.  In Mexico, the cartels worship the demonic deity Santa Muerta (Our Lady of Death), carve her likeness on their weapons, and rely on her to ‘protect’ them from law enforcement.  These groups have been known to cast spells on law enforcement agencies in their neck of the woods.  As they have been illegally entering the United States, they have been bringing their own brand of witchcraft with them and teaching their occult ways to American gangs and gang members to use against U.S. law enforcement agencies.  Is it any wonder that there has been a rising number of Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) suicides lately?

      Here is another item traced to Modern Street Gangs.  Because of the infusion of transnational gangs, and their occult/demonic leanings, it is NOT that much of a stretch to think that those gangs are–again–impacting and training domestic gangs.  Since public schools have de-emphasized anti-gang training, teen gang recruiters have been plying their trade IN the school setting.  Modern Street Gang recruiters have been ‘assigning’ recruits to place a timetable on how long it would take to have that potential member to ‘force’ a target to commit suicide by any means at their disposal—including use of witchcraft.  Since there are few major laws that could be used to convict a juvenile of forcing another juvenile to commit suicide, the gangs have ‘skirted’ the justice system and ‘upped’ their reputations and threat to public safety.

     The main issue is this: IF it is something that God is not pleased with, it’s time to ask for the Lord to deliver you from this spirit of death, this pit of sin, and surrender your life to Him.  Only by doing this will one be able to have firm protection against Satan’s devices.

     The ‘old ways’ of suicide prevention have not been effective.  Check the rates.


     All these items should be pointing the reader to a grim reality:  the need for Jesus Christ.  Without a real relationship with Christ, there is NO protection of the individual against the spiritual warfare waged by Satan and his demons.  One who is NOT under the protection of Christ has NO access to the weapons of God’s warfare (Acts 19:13-20 KJV).  The seven sons of Sceva found out the hard way that just ‘knowing about’ Christ when going up against demon-possessed people is not good enough.  No God IN your life…no protection BY God OF your life.

     To fight suicide is to get IN Christ, get a new mind in Christ (Philippians 2:5 KJV) and to renew that mind in the Word of God, day by day (Romans 12:1-2 KJV).  Only then is the person granted the protection of the Blood of Christ and the access to the armory of God and the armor of the Spirit (II Corinthians 10:1-6, 17; Ephesians 6:10-20 KJV).  Only then can the person have the authority to tell Satan and his demons to ‘get thee behind them’.

     Think getting tied up mentally is just a ‘happenstance’, or ‘bad luck’?  I would invite the reader to check out the life story of Spurgeon.  He regarded depression as a ‘black dog’ that seemed to trail him regularly–meaning that it was a SPIRITUAL attack.  ONLY by the prayers and supplications of himself AND the prayers of others whom he trusted put that dog back in its cage and freed his mental faculties to worship and preach for Christ.  IF Spurgeon knew the dangers of severe depression and its impact upon the mind–and he was regarded as the ‘Prince of Preachers’–what ills are stalking OUR steps; what members of Hell’s legions are reading OUR mail at our mind’s mailbox?  What secret things are we into that are NOT pleasing to God.  H’mmm?

     There is also a need to repent and forsake one’s sins.  Thus, those who are involved in sexual deviance, the occult, the drug scene, Modern Street Gang activity, alcohol abuse, mistreatment of their husbands/wives/children, etc. must take EACH of these sins to our Lord, be aware of their spiritual ties, ask for forgiveness, and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit in breaking the bond that sin has upon one’s mind.  As I have mentioned before, suicide IS a spirit AND suicide is stalking people. It MUST be broken by spiritual means–the means provided by Christ in His Word.  Spiritual solutions for a spiritual problem.


     I understand that there will be some who will read this and think that they don’t need Christ.  All they need to do is go get some counseling, get a prescription, and life will roll on.  All I can say is that it doesn’t take that much for life to change direction and roll right over you.  This pestilence known as the Wuhan Virus came out of nowhere—with devastating results around the world. 

     Fear–unbridled fear and hopelessness—can also serve as a doorway to suicide.

     Keep this in mind, and I’ll say it again: These are NOT usual times.  When the counselors themselves don’t have an answer to this pestilence and are having problems themselves, best turn to your KJV Bible and start digging within its treasures.  A great free resource I can highly recommend comes from Chapel  It is simply called “Suicide and the Savior”, chock full of Scripture and how Jesus Christ Himself faced off against Satan on the matter of suicide.  You can either get the booklet or download the study from the website.

     Friend, you have more to lose than you may think if you don’t grab the lifeline and get pulled to the lighthouse on the shore.  Suicide IS a spirit, a stalking spirit. It must be broken by spiritual means, through Jesus Christ.  IF you are a Christian and are having such issues, find your Bible and another Christian and get back into prayer and the Word.  IF you are NOT a Christian, find a Christian and have enough wisdom and humility to ask the question that the Jailer asked of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:30: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”


     Now that the Wuhan Virus (aka Covid-19) precautions and mandates appear to be heading for the wayside for a variety of reasons associated with 2022, suicide rates—especially among young people—continue to be high.  Rest assured that Satan (aka the Devil) is still on his job.  His best trick is trying to make your past worse than it is, cloud your future, and dumb down God’s ability to help you in the present.

     If you want a real picture of how valuable you are to God, there are two places in the KJV Scriptures that will bear out his love for you.  The first place is Job, chapters 1 and 2.  Read what Job had to go through, both in the heavenlies, and right here on earth.  The second place is John, chapter 9.  A man who was born blind was miraculously healed by Jesus Christ.  The pressure was on him from a variety of sources to not attribute the healing to Christ.  In the end, the brother held on and worshipped the very Christ who healed him.

     I have no idea what you are going through in the present, my friend.  The virus took away a lot of things from a lot of people.  We have a different President.  The BLM/Antifa riots are in the rearview mirror as other things are coming to pass to add to the ‘doom and gloom’ some may be experiencing in the present.  However, look through the clouds and at what Jesus has given us on the other side of this pandemic.  A renewed appreciation for Him, for life, and for our family, church and friends.

     Every generation of young people are measured by the times they go through, and how much of God and the Bible they have in their lives.  Every generation also is introduced to God in a language they can understand.  There are dozens of articles ‘out there’ on the issue of suicide.  What makes this one different is that it ‘pulls the curtain back’ and shows how serious the fight is in the spiritual realm, and how important God thinks every human life is by offering himself as protection—for those who want Him.

      Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Ramey Commentaries” is one of a variety of columns that Ramey has in cyberspace.  To drop him a line…or a whine…the address is still the same:  ©2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Barnstorm Communications International.

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