The Democratic Party establishment has learned nothing from the debacle that was the 2016 election. I am no fan of Donald Trump but he isn’t some Russia super spy. That was not the main factor for the rise of Donald Trump. It was an excuse for the ineptitude of the Clinton campaign, not to mention how the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination, who in my opinion would have crushed Donald Trump in that election.
So how will the Democratic establishment get geared up to take on Trump in 2020? How about constantly attack and smear your most popular candidate. Between MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, and other mainstream outlets, the consequences seems to be anyone but Bernie. He’s too old, or too white, or somehow sexist even though he has the most progressive voting record in the Senate. But somehow Joe Biden isn’t too old or white?
I wonder why the mainstream media loves Beto O’Rourke who lost a Senate race to Ted Cruz in Texas, and not Stacy Abrams or Andrew Gillum, two black candidates who lost similar races in Georgia and Florida by much closer margins. I’ve only seen negative coverage of more progressive candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbert and of course Bernie Sanders. These are the same games the Democrats played in 2016 and their aversion to moving away from corporate money is going to be the death of the party if not for a hostile takeover from insurgent candidates like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC)..
The Democrats need to become a part of the people again and offer a real alternative to the Republican Party instead of just being the diet Republican Party. Speaking of Ocasio Cortez, I saw Whoopi Goldberg on “The View,” again, wagging her finger at my generation telling us to stay off her lawn essentially. Telling AOC she needs to stop speaking out again other Democrats and sit and learn behind people like Diane Feinstein, one of the most corrupt corporate Democrats. That’s the point Whoopi! We aren’t here to continue this broken corrupt system. We are here to replace the old guard and take charge of our future.
This system of being beholden to corporate donors over your constituents is not something we want to learn. Maybe Whoopi can sit and learn something from us. We are the generation that is not rocking with the old ways that have given us a Trump presidency and government leaders that aren’t responsive to our will. Bernie started this political revolution but it’s not about identity politics with his movement. It’s about the policy ideas and substance. It doesn’t matter if he is a 248 year old white guy. Bernie is invited to the cookout because he is willing to stand up to those corporations that also fund the Democratic Party establishment, hence why they want anyone but Bernie.
If the Democrats sabotage Bernie’s campaign again or he just decides not to run, keep an eye out for Richard Ojeda from West Virginia. A former Republican and Trump voter, ex military and former teacher, Ojeda was a figurehead in the West Virginia teacher strikes and a passionate advocate to get money out of politics. He is extremely relatable and I would love to see him shred some of these spineless corporate Democrats on the debate stage. Richard OJ as we call him in the hood, is my dark horse to watch among the candidates I am sure mainstream media won’t be covering.
Christopher Johnson also known as “C. J.” is the youngest columnist on this website. He started interviewing celebrities when he was 10-years old. Chris comments on sports, politics, current events and he writes movie reviews. In his spare time he is the Lead Guitarist for a band called The Courtland Experiment. Click here to visit his Archives Page to see more videos with Harold Bell and to read his commentaries and movie reviews. You can also follow him on Twitter and Instagram.