Recently, I happened across a term in our modern society which seemed to accurately describe some high-school and college-aged young people in the USA and the UK. That term was ‘snowflake’. Defined simply, it means that a young person(s) is so ‘fragile’ in their thinking that they can’t ‘cope’ when someone has a contrary viewpoint…AND can better articulate it than they. Furthermore, a snowflake is easily manipulated; easily tossed to and fro and subject to the whims of those whom they are trying to impress.
Snowflakes are only good for the short term. They are not stable enough for the long haul.
The term was originally used to describe Caucasians (because snowflakes are–traditionally–white). Well, there are young Black males and females who are suffering from the same afflictions. I call them ‘Coalflakes’: Dark on the outside, but just as fragile as a regular ‘snowflake’…and unable to cope with the ups and downs of life. Like some of their parents before them, they’ve bought into much of the ‘social deception’ of the majority culture and have forgotten who they REALLY are! Sadly, Coalflakes have more to lose than snowflakes. They have the economic progress of future generations in their hands…those same hands that are ‘hooked’ on the metallic crack addiction known as ‘texting’.
Let me clue some young folk who may be reading my column this month. Tearing up a section of town because of a young man who got shot by a cop does not make you a ‘viral hero’, it makes you ‘ignorant’ of reality. I still chuckle over the time a young Black man was protesting and tearing up the streets…until his mother saw him on TV in all his glory. Mama jumped into some clothes, found her son…and it wasn’t pretty how she got aholt of him, yanked him out of the protest march and beat his butt–all the way home. The same majority culture that used to chide and/or threaten parents for disciplining their own kids, called her a ‘hero’!
That young man found out the hard way that his parent still ruled her home.
In a bygone era, young Blacks viewed nonviolent social protest as ONLY a facet of a bigger diamond. Living a clean, upright life, having a firm relationship with God, getting married, having a job and raising a family were the other facets of the diamond called ‘life’ for young Black men. Young Black women were more focused on getting ready to run a home–which, when done correctly–is more powerful and successful than ANY Fortune 500 company. Now, some Black millennials–in too many cases–have gone soft in the brain and spine. Many can’t get into a history book, or show up to classes on time…but can get an Iphone and click their hours away, or, meet up at the next protest march spooled out by the white-owned social media.
It takes more energy to build, than to tear down.
Young Black man…Young Black woman, a question for you: How are you able to spend so much energy to ‘impact social change’ without, but do so little to improve YOUR ability to BUILD a home or city? It wasn’t that long ago that Black folk could ONLY find work in a government job, a factory, or teaching school. Now that we’ve got a little money, we think that we’ve ‘made it’. No, we’ve haven’t. The evidence is as plain as the TV pictures on the national news. Even in our ‘enlightened’ new century, our young people are quick to ‘give away’ images of ourselves on media outlets we no longer own.
Wise up Young Black man. Your excellence is not in being a paid social organizer or mob fodder, but in building a solid character that is free from social manipulation and contributing to the social landscape. Wise up Young Black woman. Your excellence is in home building, not in home wrecking. Keeping up with the latest social media mantra about injustice does not make you wise, nor strong. Learning and applying what makes for building a successful society is always the right way to go.
It is too late in the game, to be caught playing in a Black snowstorm, built by one’s own ignorance. Think on this the next time you are paid–or tempted–to be part of the ‘social outrage’ and help to tear down things that you didn’t take part in building.
Ramey, a Minister, syndicated columnist and book reviewer lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. To correspond, drop him an email at © 2016 Barnstorm Communications.