By Diane Sears
The World needs Men. Men are the key architects of our bridge to the future. And our children are our future – our bridge to the future. Yes, Men are necessary. Everyday in their usual unassuming way, Men offer each of us valuable life lessons. Life lessons about honor – that one’s word should be one’s bond. If you say you are going to do something, then you must do what you say you are going to do and then do it – no excuses . . . no complaints. Just go about the business of delivering what you have promised.
Men offer life lessons about sacrifice.
Quietly and unceremoniously, Men who are Fathers throughout our global village place their own personal dreams on a shelf, and work at back-breaking, spirit-numbing, and for many – very dangerous jobs — so that their children can have access to economic and educational opportunities that they themselves could only dream of. Men will walk through fire for their children, if that is what it takes to keep food on the table for them, a roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs. Many of these Men – after completing a grueling day at work, return home and play an active role not only in the positive emotional, intellectual and psychological development of their own children, but also mentor other children and serve as coaches of neighborhood basketball, baseball, softball, soccer and hockey teams. And when asked by their country to serve in their nation’s military and defend their country in an unarmed conflict thousands of miles away from their families. Men quietly and unceremoniously answer the call, not knowing whether they will return to the families they are leaving behind. Sadly, a number of these men never return. These men have made the ultimate sacrifice. They have given their lives in defense of their country.Men are a family’s liaison to the world that exists outside of the family’s immediate environment. As a result, they offer very valuable life lessons on how one should navigate the world that exists outside of one’s environment – for example, the worlds of business and politics.
Our sons need Fathers. Men help the young males of our society successfully navigate the journey from childhood to manhood. It takes a man to teach a boy how to be a man. It takes a Man to provide our sons with the positive affirmation that only a Father can give – positive affirmation that our sons so desperately seek and need to receive from an adult male. It takes a Man to prepare the young males of our society for their future roles as husbands, fathers, and productive members of our global village once they reach the age of maturity. A young man’s relationship with his father determines, to a large degree, how he will raise his own children.
Our daughters need Fathers. Fathers shape our daughters’ first images of men.Fathers shape the decisions that our daughters make when choosing a career and choosing a mate. Fathers shape our daughters’ perception of their self-worth and their place in the world. It takes a Man to provide our daughters with the positive affirmation that only a Father can give – positive affirmation that our daughters so desperately seek and need to receive from an adult male. A young woman’s relationship with her father determines, to a large degree, how she will raise her own children.
Diane A. Sears is the Managing Editor of IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(R), a global Fatherhood and Men’s Issues journal ( and Advisory Council Member of Akamai University’s Men’s Studies and Fatherhood Program. Ms. Sears’ work on Fatherhood and Men’s Issues spans 25 years. She also serves as a Commutation Community Liaison and Support Advocate for incarcerated United States citizens wrongfully convicted, wrongfully sentenced to and serving life without parole sentences who become eligible for commutation of their life without parole sentence. Ms. Sears is also an Advisory Council Board Member of SCI Phoenix LIFERS, Inc. ( and lifetime member of the National Association of Reentry Professionals (https: