Pro-President Trump Pastor Darrell Scott is working on a plan for rejuvenating Black America and crumbling urban communities. It’s of the public’s interest to note that the plan Pastor Scott is presenting was co-conceived by Michael Cohen, Trump’s besieged personal lawyer. Cohen may be a liability, but Pastor Scott is in position of building for millions of Black Americans. At a Washington Lean Right Luncheon hosted by National Republican Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, Scott told influential Republican diversity groups, “Great things are on the horizon. We are finalizing plans (with President Trump) to bring 30 billion dollars in investment along with 25,000 well-paying jobs to urban America.” One of a few Black Trump loyalists, the Cleveland-area based minister says “Minorities can benefit through President Trump in: “job creation and urban revitalization.”
Democrats and Republicans both agree on spending on American infrastructure. During his presidential campaign Trump pledged to push for “$1 trillion of new spending on roads, bridges, and more.” To that end, Scott says “We will leverage public-private partnerships, and private investments to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment of which inner cities will be a major beneficiary.”
Millions of people are lined up supporting American rebuilding. These days Americans drive on crumbling roads, bridges and tunnels. Americans deserve an infrastructure plan. Pastor Scott and aligned religious and community groups have moved to the forefront to rebuild America and its infrastructure through “a bold, comprehensive plan” Trump can use to make a historic federal investment toward rebuilding crumbling infrastructure and creating 16 million American jobs.
America’s roads, dams, airports and water and electrical systems need $4.6 trillion of work. To wit Pastor Scott says: “This is the president fulfilling his campaign promise to African-Americans.” The vehicle for Scott’s infrastructure plan is his Urban Revitalization Council (URC), whose mission is to: explore the best practices for redevelopment and revitalization of city centers, older neighborhoods and districts, and other core urban areas. This includes a focus on urban planning, infrastructure development, architecture, street and civic space design, real estate development and historic preservation that provide skills and knowledge to revitalize communities.”
Many urban officials say the poor quality of U.S. infrastructure hampers economic growth and costs people thousands a year in extra travel time and car repairs. Scott may be able to pierce the loyalty Blacks have with the Democrats agenda, saying: “Big things are in the mix!” toward safer, stronger, more economically vibrant communities.” Scott claims to have a cadre of Blacks politically- in tune with Trump “to get good, reliable jobs for residents and to create an environment that spurs innovation and entrepreneurship.”
Trump has maintained consistently low poll numbers among African Americans. His pitch to Blacks “What do you have to lose?” fell flat on its face. But with no change in cadence and acts Trump still says that he’ll be great for the black populace, and insists that as a 2020 candidate, “I will get over 95 percent of the African Americans’ vote.”
“Urban Revitalization” is something President Trump has largely outsourced to Scott to make part of his legislative agenda. Cleveland-native activist Kareem Lanier is one of the plan’s main drivers. Lanier, Scott and Cohen are members of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. Their Cleveland-based programs are closely related to Hall of Famer Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can organizations’. Our interview with Scott and Lanier indicate their plans more in origination than operational stages. Kareem Lanier can be reached via National Revitalization Coalition (678) 780-0937.
William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via
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