Welcome to 2019! Black Men In America.com Airlines welcomes you to our First Class Travel Program, where we will travel through 2019 with our final destination being the year 2020. Before you start this journey you must read and acknowledge our “mandatory” pre-flight agreement. This agreement is written in the form of a pre-flight announcement to make it easy for you to comprehend.
My name is Gary Johnson. I am the Co-Pilot for this flight. On behalf of our flight crew let me welcome you to Flight #2020. Flight #2020 is a direct flight to being the best that you can be in 2019. Here at Black Men In America.com Airlines we always looking toward the future.
We are concerned about your continued safety and care. To ensure that we have a comfortable trip, no “baggage” will be allowed on this flight. We ask that you bring only positive mental energy. You may use your imagination and follow along as we perform our safety demonstration.
Please make sure that your thoughts and energies are in the secured and upright position at all times. All self-destructive and self-defeating thoughts and negative behaviors should be turned OFF at this time.
To fasten your seat belt, insert the metal fitting into the buckle and adjust to fit snugly across your lap. Should you be called to get up and assist others simply lift the buckle release and you will be free to provide assistance.
There are 10 emergency exits, five doors on the left and five doors on right, each marked with a red DO THE RIGHT THING sign overhead. All doors are equipped with slide rafts. These rafts may be detached in the event that you lose patience or forget how to treat people with dignity and respect. Please locate the two exits nearest you, keeping in mind that the closest exit may act as your conscious if you haven’t been living “right.”
Please observe the lighted signs until they have been turned off by the Captain. The NO WHINING sign will remain illuminated for the duration of the flight and complaining is prohibited throughout the cabin.
Should we lose altitude during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be answered as they are activated by faith. This means that some prayers will be answered faster than others based on how you’ve exercised your faith, but rest assured, your prayers will be answered.
In the event that we lose altitude or sustain an emergency, this aircraft is equipped with aisle path lighting which is located on the floor in the left and right aisles. Should cabin visibility be impaired, the exit path will be illuminated. Follow the white lights which will lead you to a pearly gate. Your name should be on the “Guest List.” If your name is not on the list, perhaps you have some additional work to do and this incident should serve as a reminder that you need to make better choices or some changes in your life.
The beauty of this flight is that you still have time to take the steps necessary to get your life together and get your name on the “right” list. You still have to be kind, patient, caring and respectful. If you are kind, caring and respectful, there’s room for you on this flight. Kindness and goodness are renewable resources and we will use these resources throughout this flight.
If you choose to behave otherwise, you will see red lights which indicate you have reached your final destination. You will not have access to an oxygen mask or a life vest. In other words, you’re DONE!
The Captain (GOD) has cleared us for takeoff. The choice is yours. This may be your last chance to decide which direction you’re going to take in your life for 2019 before the cabin doors close.
Thank you for flying with us—destination GREATNESS!
Gary A. Johnson is the Founder & Publisher of Black Men In America.com, a popular online magazine and the Black Men In America.com Blog. Gary is also a management consultant for the federal government and many Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of the book “25 Things That Really Matter In Life.” To learn more about Gary click here.
Publisher’s Note: Thanks to Staceé Lang for planting this idea in my head.
Gary, great article and everyone can benefit from these travel tips!! Appreciate you sharing it with us.