Ramey Commentaries




     Let me throw in a few of the toxic lies against manhood that the mainstream mess and social media, along with Madison Avenue and American “W.O.K.E” Corporations are trying to throw into the mainstream from their satanic bag of tricks:

     LIE:  A man can get pregnant.  TRUTH:  NO!

     LIE:  A man can have a menstrual period.  TRUTH: NO!

     LIE:  A man can ‘reimagine’ himself into a woman.  TRUTH:  NO!

     But wait, there are MORE ‘toxic’ lies against manhood:

     LIE:  Two men can get married and start a family.  TRUTH: NO!

     LIE:  A man can call himself a woman and compete in women’s sports.  TRUTH: NO!

     I’ll make it plain.  It’s not manhood (the better word to use rather than masculinity) that is toxic.  Oh, no my friend: It is the lies AGAINST manhood that are toxic. Why?  The deceived seek to erode the biblical, moral, marital, and economic foundations of manhood.  However, when they get what they want, they quickly realize that what they got—they don’t like.

     Now, I do realize that there are some loose-headed women—along with weak, deceived men—who are out there spreading these lies for their own enrichment.  Further, there are those who are either attempting or participating in some of these lies—and others—to make a mockery of God’s Word, the KJV Bible.  In truth, ANY means of lying against the truth is stupidity at the least, and demonic at the most.

     If you have been checking out my columns over the course of time, you know I define WOKE as Weirdly Obsessing Kooks and Evildoers.  However, no amount of positioning will shape a lie into the truth.  Lies—especially toxic lies—are still lies, period.  Yes, we do have certain individuals and segments of society that are engaging in their own version of ‘let’s pretend’.  In the quietness of their minds, they KNOW that they are wrong and the godly are right.

     Here is reality.  God created male and female.  The first lie that arrived in the garden came in the form of a challenge to God’s established order.  The serpent deceived Eve by not only attacking His Word, but His creation—especially the male of the species.  It is the male image that is especially under attack in these last days.  Doubt me?  Take a good look at the results of the toxic lies—first in the communities of color.  Who has been the primary target of the lies of homosexuality being normal?  Black men!  More to come.

     Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996.  To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: mgmikeramey@yahoo.com.  ©2023 Barnstorm Communications International.


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