Has this ever happened to you, during this social media age?
You’re on a social media site, in a so-called ‘friendly’ discussion group, when you stand up for the truth…and wind up banished because of your ‘opinion’.
But wait…there’s more!
You’re on a social media site, in a so-called ‘friendly’ discussion group that is allegedly friendly towards Christians, and you quote and/or take a stand for the Bible…and wind up banished because of your biblical beliefs. Further, this can happen in supposedly ‘friendly’ discussion groups that are ‘supposedly’ supportive of the KJV.
It has happened to yours truly. I’ve heard it has happened to others.
It is the second instance where the people of God are involved, it is truly shocking to find that there are Christians who are so spiritually shallow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible they get upset over someone who comes to them humbly, and delivers what ‘thus saith the Lord’ through His scriptures.
I’ve heard from other believers that the same thing is happening more and more to them.
I seem to recall one preacher of a past era stating clearly: “Either this book (the KJV Bible) is going to keep you from sin, or sin is going to keep you from this book.” I expect sinners, the unsaved, and the supporters of Satan to be hostile towards believers.
It REALLY stings to get ‘the treatment’ from those who call themselves Christians.
It is more interesting to find–in these last days–that not only has the ‘falling away’ begun…it seems to have picked up speed, as the boulder of WILLFUL biblical ignorance, coupled with disregard for basic doctrine, is heading downhill at a fast clip.
I’ve decided to call this latest disease “Christophobia”. This merely suggests that more and more people are ‘afraid’ of Christians, God’s real church, and biblical truth. Where the zealots of homosexuality like to call those who oppose them ‘Homophobic’; where the followers of Allah like to call those who oppose them ‘Islamophobic’, I have yet to hear of a term that covers those–and others–who are scared of those who have a Christian worldview, and who believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose on the third day…and is coming back again.
That is…until now.
We know that a ‘phobia’–according to Webster’s Dictionary–is a persistent, illogical fear. I do not fear sodomites. I do not fear Muslims. The Bible holds that we are to try to live (as much as possible) peaceably among all men and women, and to be good neighbors. Further, the biblical admonition is to pray for our enemies, and do well to those who may despitefully use us. Still further, IF we do good to those who hate us, by administering to their physical needs, not only are we heaping hot coals on their head, but there is hope that they will attribute our actions to the living God, and glorify Him.
But–brace yourselves, fellow believers–they ARE fearful of us. EVEN some of those who are among the household of faith. Many of whom who are among denominations that have compromised with the world system, rather than reproved the works of darkness.
Much of the world today is suffering from Christophobia. So much so, that they (and their supporters and sympathizers–some of whom claim to be Christians) will go out of their way to try to ‘ban’ us or shun us from social media, because they don’t want to hear the truths of God–especially from God’s people.
A few years back, I happened to be leading and teaching a prayer group in a local church. One of the church members asked: “Why is the devil after me?” I prayed and thought about a response, and felt this one was appropriate: “Because your spirit–as a Christian–is NOT compatible with his spirit. You need to be aware that the devil…and his crowd…want to corrupt your spirit. As long as you stay close to Christ, that won’t happen. He will flee from you the more you submit yourself unto the Lord.”
So, for those who like being on social media, enjoy the technology. But be warned that Christophobia is real. You are going to be mocked, scorned, and even ‘booted’ from discussion groups. Get ready to be set on ignore or shun. Shake the dust from your feet, roll back your shoulders and move on. Thank the Lord that the spiritually shallow were exposed AFTER you have shared Jesus Christ with them. Our Lord suffered. Pull up your armor and get ready to be rejected, scorned, and yes…even closed out–or kicked out–of discussion groups. In closing, this is a note for the young people in the house who are social media savy: Don’t be intimidated into suicide by losing your access to any social media platform. A setback is a set up for a comeback! Jesus IS coming back!
Can we who are called by his name expect any less harsh treatment than Him?
Mike Ramey is a Minister, Book Reviewer, P-School Ranger, Modern Street Gangs Specialist and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Ramey Commentaries” is one of a variety of columns that Ramey has in cyberspace. To drop him a line…or a whine…the address is still the same: ©2019 Barnstorm Communications.