“MasterChef Gary,” is the alter ego of entrepreneur and Black Men In America.com Founder & Publisher Gary Johnson. Gary markets himself as a Cucumber & Tomato Specialist and the Director of International Sales & Marketing for the All-in-One Master Tonic.
Don’t get it twisted! MasterChef Gary can cook! He is best known for his “MasterChef Gary Premium Organic Seasoning” featuring his “Original Cucumber and Tomato Recipe” and his Spicy “Vu-Doo” (Michelle inspired) seasonings.
In February 2019, Gary Johnson launched his own blend of seasoning with the magic health elixir, the “All-In-One Master Tonic,” to make healthier meals and snacks. Proclaiming himself a “MasterChef,” Gary’s first signature dish was a combination of cucumbers and tomatoes seasoned with his proprietary blend of season and the Master Tonic. Gary began provided samples to friends and co-workers. Their positive reactions inspired him to perfect his spices and create a multi-purpose line of seasonings.
The first store to jump on the MasterChef Gary bandwagon was the Herbal Infusion Health & Wellness store (www.herbalinfusion.net) in Fort Washington, MD. They started selling the seasoning in their store and worked with Gary to get his costs down and meet customer demand. The rest as they say, is history.
Gary Johnson is also the author of the book “25 Things That Really Matter In Life,”: A Quick and Comprehensive Guide To Making Your Life Better—Today! Gary is also a contributing author to two other books, “The Black Father Perspective: What We Want America To Know,” and “In Search of Fatherhood – Transcending Boundaries: International Conversations on Fatherhood.“